Saturday, December 28, 2019

Notes on Chapter Two- Does the Center Hold Essay

Truth Is Beauty, Beauty Is Truth Rationalist Epistemology Epistemology * Theory of knowledge; often provokes big questions on the meaning and justifications of conventional knowledge. * Ex; What is knowledge? Can we know anything for certain? What are the limitations of what we know? * Socrates began to question the usual perceptions of knowledge, advocating for a clearer picture than common sense allowed. The Philosophy of Plato * You cannot claim to know something if you cannot claim to believe it as well. * Belief is not the only requirement for knowledge, truth is also required. * You need to be able to communicate what you know. * Real life application: We often do not believe what†¦show more content†¦* However, questioning how we can know sensible objects involves complex questioning. Can anyone know a true object? This leads to issues of elitism. Concepts * We leave the world of belief and accept conceptual perceptions in a move toward understanding the â€Å"intelligible realm†. * We use scientific theories to understand events beyond what our imaginations can often handle, ie; Newton’s theories on attraction of masses. * Plato does not consider this the highest form of knowledge. * Real life application: Often times, in biology class, I find myself letting go of my bigger questions- the why, or the how, in order to grasp the watered down conce pts that are still so hard to understand. I do because I accept the theories of scientists and mathematicians like Newton as sufficient knowledge to form a building block from which I can grow my understanding of the topic. Forms These are higher truths, archetypes of everything in the visible world, including the non-physical concepts. * Not physical or mental. * Eternal and unchanging, yet dependent on a Super-Form, â€Å"the Good†, which establishes a true reality and holds true the center of Platonic reasoning, so it is not absolutely real. * We can only grasp the Forms if we leave behind our senses and images that are contaminated with our own physicality. * Plato believed there was an ultimate universal element to beauty that could be understood formulaically. *Show MoreRelated1816 : America Rising Analysis1344 Words   |  6 Pagesthe significance of the year in the context of the burgeoning United States. While the main focus of the book centers itself on the 14th National Congress and the decisions and characters therein, he also presents some other unique aspects of the year ranging from the â€Å"Year of No Summer† to minor developments within the states. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Organizational Behavior Paper - 2048 Words

Organizational Behavior Darleen Cervera, David Spann, Virginia Waugaman, William Anderson MMPBL 502 August 16, 2010 Thomas A Graham Organizational Behavior Kudler Fine Foods is a chain of upscale epicurean food shops located in San Diego, California. It was founded in 1998 by Kathy Kudler in response to her personal frustrations about the lack of a convenient, one-stop shop for gourmet cooks. The first store opened in La Jolla and was greeted with immediate success. Since then Kudler Fine Foods has expanded to include three different locations in the San Diego metropolitan area and has even more growth plans set in place. This paper will examine the apparent culture at Kudler Fine Foods as well as the organizational†¦show more content†¦Each location has a store manager, two assistant managers, and four department managers who have staff that reports to them directly. Department managers make the decision on what products and quantity that will be purchased for their department. They are also responsible to ensure the freshness and quality of the product that is sold in their location. If there is a complaint about the freshness of the products it goes to the store manager to discuss with the department manager who will investigate and discipline any employee that is in violation of Kudler Fine Foods freshness policy. Span of control is the limit of subordinates that a manager oversees. In each of the Kudler Fine Food store has approximately 32 employees. Department Managers oversee about half of the store employees, the Store Managers directly oversee about 18 employees directly and 15 employees indirectly. Kathy Kudler makes all the final decisions on what products are available in the stores what type of promotions they are offering as well as being in the stores for portion of her day every day of the week. She is very hands on and does all the major purchases for each of the stores. Customers are her first and foremost concern, this is evident by the details she has placed in each store based on high quality of food stuffs and the best customers service in the indu stry. Kudler Fine Foods faces many external forces that require management to identify, evaluate,Show MoreRelatedOrganizational Behavior Paper1772 Words   |  8 PagesUniversity of Phoenix MGT 331 Organizational Behavior Gary Denny January 15, 2006 Organizational Behavior Forces All companies experience internal and external forces that affect the nature of their business. Some of these forces can be controlled by the company itself these are called internal forces but actions that occur outside of the company without the company being able to control them is called external forces. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Night in the Desert Essay Example For Students

Night in the Desert Essay I lie on a boulder in the bottom of a desert canyon. The boulder has been warmed by the intense heat of the previous day, and even this far into the night it retains a certain heat; almost like a living creature. I absorb the healing warmth, feeling profoundly relaxed. I am glad to be alive. On all sides, towering sandstone walls lean over me; protecting me. Below me is the dry river bed. Majestic cottonwoods grow along it; their tortured forms testament to their will to survive. The green leaves are turned quicksilver by the full moon. A gentle, warm breeze whispers through the trees, telling secrets. The breeze is strangely perfumed with jasmine and other exotic aromas. The clean smell of warm sandstone is omnipresent. Warm, velvet sand covers the landscape; broken here and there by fragrant sagebrush. Everything is lit with an ethereal, otherworldly radiance from the bright moon. High on a cliff wall cling the ruins of an Anasazi granary. The ancient ghosts of this vanished civilization seem to be keeping constant vigil over all. The arching dome of the sky above me is a deep, deep sable blue. There are millions of brightly glittering stars, shining like beacons in a sea of emptiness. The moon is so bright as to be almost blinding, and an eerie rainbow of light rings it. I lie on the boulder, trying to retain the memory of the shimmering radiance of this astral plane before it is gone forever. Peace, tranquillity, and a deep sense of well-being are eternal here. This perfumed desert night is eternal, surviving always, but seldom found.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Whats Cause of Poverty in Africa free essay sample

Poverty doesn’t result from just one or two causes. The problem entrenched poverty is extremely difficult to solve because of different factors and all interacting with one another. Three main sections cause poverty in Africa are economic, political and external. Body: Economic: Employment is the main route out of poverty for poor people in an undeveloped country. The government does very little to create more jobs for African nations even with students that graduates from college can’t find work. With the unemployment rate increase, a lot of Africans have turned into armed robbers, blood money rituals, and secret cults organization, migrating outside Africa and turning into prostitution in order to survive. Therefore, the economic productivity is low but poverty rate is high. When leaders are not accountable to those they serve then there is a sign of corruption. Corruption both in government and business place heavy cost on society because it plays a major cause and a result of poverty. We will write a custom essay sample on Whats Cause of Poverty in Africa? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It’s because poverty can be fought in the presence of strong institution, and equitable distribution of resources (Collier). However, programs that designed to fight poverty in Africa are not fully implemented because the funds end up in the hands of corrupt individuals, who pocket the majority (Bartle). This emphasizes poor governance because those in authority have failed to apprehend the corrupt. Therefore, it requires a non-corrupt government to turn public income into human development outcomes and strengthening of business confidence, economic and social. Political: Social inequality starts from cultural ideas about the relative worth of different genders, races, ethnic groups and social classes (Bartle). According to Jeff Stats, in African history, apartheid laws defined a binary caste system that assigned different rights and social spaces to different races, using skin color to determine the opportunities available to individuals in each group. Base on this law it’s very inequality for people in Africa because people who are in low class will never able to change their level since they don’t have the opportunity and options to change it. External: With constant war and conflict in Africa makes it very difficult to farm, to work for living or earn money. It’s hard to start ordinary life because many men are forces to flee from their homes to fight for the war. This will make the continent’s productivity goes down and poverty rates go up. Another factor that cause poverty in Africa is diseases such as malaria, HIV, and TB. When a member in a household is affected by any of those diseases there is very little resources are spent on treating the sick. This lead to people who are left behind with no resources to support themselves and the situation is worsened by poor health facilities.