Saturday, May 16, 2020

Book Banning Against The Law Essay - 1293 Words

Books on the Wrong Side of the Law Every year, groups call to arms for the removal of written works. They label the book too dangerous for young readers. Unfortunately, these incensed groups refuse to acknowledge the entirety of the situation before jumping with both feet into this metaphorical river. This blind censorship needs to cease. Banned books should be allowed because the books give insight to the culture at the time, because banning brings attention to books that someone did not want anyone else to see, and because people have rights. Schools should not ban books in their libraries because the books merely reflect the culture of the times. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, society still lived under the ominous†¦show more content†¦Along with subtly revealing the psychology of the populous during that era, banned books should be kept from challenges because it brings undue attention to the tome. When a group challenges a book, they strongly disagree with its content. They pray that no one else ever reads it. Challenging brings the media into the deal. The media loves a controversial story. Arguments over the decision boil into heated debates; disagreements sell like hot cakes. This publicity incites curiosity in young minds and they soon feel a desire to read the book. Again, Cart held an opinion on what a challenge means to an author. â€Å"Frankly, I wear the fact that some of my books are censored or challenged . . . as a badge of honor, since it means I’m doing my job successfull y. It also means that the books get more attention, which means more teens hear about them† (Cart 133). Instead of feeling chastised, the writer accepts the charges as praise and free publicity. Logically, continuing to help and encourage your opponent makes little sense. The American Library Association makes a list of all challenged and banned books. During Banned Book Week, the association posts the most challenged and recently banned printed productions. 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